RD Casting's Tonia Nee - DJ Success

RD Casting's own actress and DJ, Tonia Nee, has been drumming up quite the interest in the DJ scene. 

Recently performing at the Gateway Launch Party she rocked the house with her quality beats causing quite the storm on the dance floor. 

Check Tonia out on Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/tonia-nee

Keep up the amazing work Tonia!

Grace Russell to feature in new comedy musical about grabbing...Um...what!?

Don't miss your chance to see Grace Russell of RD Casting performing at 'The Space' in a new, surreal comedy musical about grabbing pussy. Yes we said that right, grabbing the *cough* pussy *cough*.

If you hadn't clicked, the show is rather suitably titled, 'Grab Em By The Pussy' and will be running from 11th July - 16th July.

Book a ticket now to go and see Grace live: https://space.org.uk/event/grab-em-by-the-pussy/

Grace, do us all here at RD Casting proud and go and grab that pussy. Well done girl!

Twitter: @GrabEmByTheMeow

RD Casting goes from strength to strength with the latest Talent intake

RD Casting continues its successful momentum by welcoming some fresh and exciting new talent on to its books in its latest drive.

Congratulations and welcome aboard the RD Casting train!







Shining Reviews for RD Castings Drew Paterson in 'Mr Gillie' at Finborough Theatre

Currently performing as The Judge in James Bridie's 'Mr Gillie' at Finborough Theatre, Drew is creating a storm as is the whole production and cast. Here's a snippet from a review by London Pub Theatres:

The acting in this production is superb, from Mr Gillie played by Andy Sercombe to the cameo role of The Judge played by Drew Paterson. The understated and quiet tones of the judge played beautifully against the loud and frenetic humans below.
— London Pub Theatres
Drew Paterson playing The Judge in Finborough Theatre's Mr Gillie.

Drew Paterson playing The Judge in Finborough Theatre's Mr Gillie.

Well done Drew, everyone here at RD Casting are super proud to see your quality and talent shining through in your latest endeavour. 

Why not see what all the fuss is about for yourself. Book tickets here: http://www.finboroughtheatre.co.uk/productions/2017/mr-gillie.php


The breathtaking talent of RD Castings, Maria Theresa Rodriguez aka MeMe Detroit, is set to release her new single, How She Runs, on July 28th! 



What does every good single need? A good video! You can help Maria create the epic video that deserves to be with her captivating new single by supporting her Pledge campaign here: http://pledgemusic.com/projects/howsheruns. Every little helps. 

Want to see what MeMe Detroit has been doing before, check out this great article in the "Express & Star" and the awesome reviews below. Check her out performing Live!

Way to rock it MeMe Detroit!


"...'Live to Love…’ is one of those rare albums which could just as easily sit on an Indie playlist as on a Rock list." - Rich Hobson, Uber Rock

"....a deliciously throwback 90s grunge vibe that would make even the sharpest of hairs stand up on the backs of necks.." - Leigh Sanders, Express & Star

"So there’s a bit of a buzz surrounding this next artist, and it’s getting louder and louder." - Joanne Kendrick, Mosh magazine

"...with a musical style reminiscent of The Smashing Pumpkins and Incubus. Her vocals draw out the 90’s Alt Rocker in you.." - Mica Hamilton, retrograde.

"From her opening gambit of “Let’s get you fuckers to the front!” Detroit had the audience in the palm of her hand" - James Holder, Musical Outcast

RD Casting Welcomes Raft of New Talent

RD Casting is proud to welcome the following great new talent to its network. 

Elaine O'Dwyer

Meet Irish red head actress and writer Elaine.

A Guildford School of Acting graduate, Elaine recently appeared in the one act play "6 Degrees" at the Courtyard Theatre in Hoxton. She also plays guitar, writes her own songs and sings them. Check out her cover of "Little Bird" below.


I am an actress living in London who loves to sing and play. My repertoire mainly consists of folk songs which I have learned over the years in the beautiful country of Ireland. I am a big fan of Lisa Hannigan and thought it fitting that my first video would be a cover Lisa's 'Little Bird'.


Natasha Wynn

British actress, singer and dancer Natasha Wynn is a graduate of London Studio Centre and an MA graduate from the prestigious Guildford School of Acting.

Natasha is a versatile performer. While at GSA, Natasha worked with directors such as Pete Gallagher, Nicholas Tudor, Kenn Oldfield, Michael Vivian. She was also dance captain for her last two GSA productions.

Natasha has been described as a very watchable and honest actress with a great stage presence. She is professional, open and always has something to offer. 

Barnaby Lawrence


Emily Power

Both graduates of Portsmouth University and talent spotted by Head of RD Casting, Michael Moor, RD Casting is proud to have the up and coming youthful talent of actor Barnaby Lawrence  and actress Emily Power in its midst

Congratulations to all of you for becoming part of the RD Casting team. We are excited to have you on board.

RD Casting Welcome Associated Studios Graduate - Suzie Thorn

RD Casting would like to formally welcome new talent, an Associated Studios graduate, Suzie Thorn.

An interesting fact about Suzie, she is an expert bagpipes player!

Congratulations Suzie and welcome to the RD Casting family


Carn's Theatre Passion interview Micheal Moor

Carn's Theatre Passion interview Micheal Moor

You will have recently seen my articles on Red Door Productions and Casting Limited. With the announcement of their 3 day intensive course, I wanted to find out more from agent and owner Michael Moor. Below are his answers to my questions to do just that.

Tell me about your vision for your 3 day intensive course Michael?

Having sat on audition panels for over 25 years – I have seen too many very talented young people make obvious and often silly mistakes at audition. The aim, vision and inspiration for my Audition Busters workshop is to shed light on the drama school audition format, process and etiquette. And in short to enable the student to focus and be mentally prepared for the audition process.

How will it benefit its candidates – what can they expect?

My 3 day workshop will cover the key elements of a drama school audition:

  1. The application and personal statement.
  2. Audition materials and the presentation/performance of songs, monologues and movement/dance.
  3. The final interview process.

I expect the candidates to gain a clear understanding of the task ahead of them so that they are not phased by the real thing!

Audition Busters – will essentially be running ‘mock’ auditions and offering valuable experience and constructive feedback. The students on the course will be expected to do some preparation in advance of the course and to take notes and keep a journal during the course. Finally I expect the students to reflect on what they have learnt over the 3 days.

What’s the one piece of advice you would give your younger self if you had your time again?

I would tell myself to have patience with myself and with others – it takes time and ‘life experience’ to develop as both a human being and an artist.

In your capacity of MD of RDPC what one single piece of advice would you give for people looking for an agent?

I would say that it is important to develop a professional and working relationship with your agent. You need to be able to speak to them and trust them both professionally and artistically.

In all your years in your previous career, is there someone who stands out which is currently setting the world alight or is one for us to watch?

To be honest I am proud of all my ex students – not just the high flyers. I am most proud of the ones who overcame difficulties and personal issues for succeed – often against the odds.

Fun questions

If you could go back in time when would you go back to and why?

Actually, I would like to do it all again!

If you could have a super power what would you choose and why?

I would definitely like to fly!

You are holding a dinner party choose three famous guests dead or alive to attend?

I would like to invite Muhammad Ali, Bob Dylan, Meryl Streep.

Thank you for your time Michael, fascinating to learn more on your Audition Busters workshop. I believe this will be invaluable to people looking to hone their audition skills and be successful. Who knows where this will take candidates in their careers!


Interview from carnstheatrepassion.com


Integrated Industry Training

From the 12th to 14th July 2017 R. D casting is running a 3 day intensive audition workshop in beautiful Henley on Thames,  aimed at those wishing to attend both Higher Education and Further Education training institutions. The workshop will cover

-Personal Statements

-Practical Acting & Musical Theatre  Auditions including the presentation of  Song, Monologue and Dance/Movement

-Interview Preparation 


Please email fran@rd-casting.com or info@rd-casting.com for an information pack.  

Sunday 29th Jan - Freedom Bar


R.D Production & Casting LTD had it's Cabaret Launch Party on the 29th January at Freedom Bar, Soho. With an array of vocal talent displayed from the agency, as well as extracts from Webborn & Finn's new musical The Clockmaker's Daughter, it was definitely a night to remember!

Press champagne brunch launch

R.D Production & Casting LTD launched on the 15th January at The Hospital Club, Covent Garden. 

Below are just some of the quotes from the Press and Theatre Bloggers present:

What surprised me most of all was the sheer breadth and depth of talent and experience amongst the actors.
— Chris Omaweng
“Moor was as vibrantly passionate about having them as clients as they were being part of R.D Casting.”
— Chris Omaweng

Chris Omaweng writing about the agency signing champagne brunch launch at The Hospital Club for London Theatre 1

Full article here

“Each artiste that has been signed has their own unique personality and skill base and I was delighted to enjoy a presentation of their showreels and receive information about them.”
— Carn's Theatre Passion
“..it’s lovely to see that all are nurtured and supported in R.D Production and Casting Ltd.”
— Carn's Theatre Passion

Carn's Theatre Passion on the agency signing champagne brunch launch at The Hospital Club

Full article here

The Hospital Club website http://www.thehospitalclub.com