Ruth Lockwood attends a very special concert


Well this may sound like a story but its based on the reality that Ruth Lockwood faced last Sunday. Having heard of Ruth's childhood desire to meet fellow Yorkshire talent, Lesley Garrett, and of Ruth's incredible talent, Lesley herself invited Ruth down to see her live at this special charity event for the Titans Community Foundation and Lost Chord. Needless to say, Ruth jumped at the opportunity and was there in a flash to see her idol perform.

What happened next was the icing on the cake. Ruth was privileged to actually meet Lesley and listen to her wisdom and experience directly. 

Picture the scene, its a Sunday morning, 9:59am, you're waking up all warm and cosy in bed and thinking, 'Do I need to get up, what do I need to do today anyway?' 

The next minute, your phone rings. You consider not answering it and staying in your pj's all day but it's a number you don't recognise and your intrigued at what it could be. Before you know it, you are being invited to an exclusive Opera concert at the Caledonian Club London, all expenses paid, to see your idol since childhood, Lesley Garrett that afternoon! 


Ruth loved every second of this incredible opportunity and is only filled with gratefulness for the incredible opportunity thanking everyone that made one of her dreams become a reality and her bucket list become that little bit smaller.

Congratulations Ruth, well deserved!

April Sullivan is cruising into her new show

RD Casting is pleased to announce that April Sullivan will be joining Blackburn International and David Michael Productions as lead vocalist on the award winning Viking Star

The brand new show opens in November so keep your eyes peeled for updates closer to the time. 


For now, here are the links to the production companies involved for you to enjoy.

Viking Star -

David Michael Productions -

Blackburn International -

Amy Vickers puts on a frightful display at Cheddar Gorge


Amy Vickers of RD Casting is currently putting on a frighteningly ghoulish display with the Natural Theatre Company at Cheddar Gorge from 21st - 29th October. 

This comes after Amy recently completed a two week tour with The Natural Theatre Company and the Developing Heath & Independence charity. The aim was to raise awareness about youth homelessness with a short piece of theatre. Amy visited schools, colleges and pupil referral units in the Bath and Wiltshire area.

Interested in seeing Amy perform at Cheddar Gorge? Find more info here:

Want to know more about The Natural Theatre Company, take a look at their website:

Jordan Sim in Wonderland this Christmas

RD Casting is pleased to announce that the talented Jordan Sim will be appearing in the Northeast Producers christmas pantomime, Alice in Wonderland


What role will he be playing you ask? Well the better question is what role isn't he playing! Jordan will be showing a full display of his skills by playing the White Rabbit, Tweedle Dee, Caterpillar and even the Queen of Hearts! That's one we really want to see...

Interested? Want to know more? Check out the website and book yourself a ticket here:

Well done Jordan for getting this awesome opportunity. Now go and show the world what you can do on that stage!

Ruth Lockwood is bringing Panto to you

Ruth Lockwood is appearing in her first ever panto this year. Ruth will be working with Eva Long Productions in their version of Mother Goose from the 1st to 19th December across Hull and Yorkshire. 


Eva Long Productions specialise in bringing professional panto's to residential and nursing homes by adapting to any space with their productions. Eva Long have performed in over 4000 venues in the past decade, bringing panto to over 80,000 people across Britain. 

Ruth feels particularly privileged to be doing something like this as it resonates so strongly with her. Reminding her of how hard it was for her Nan in a nursing home during Christmas time, she knows this is something she would have loved!


Well done Ruth for participating in something so inspiring. Break a leg and enjoy the fun that a pantomime brings to all!

Ruby hits National Geographic's Editors Choices

The incredible photos of Ruby Caballero by Zuzana Valla have become the editor's choice in the well renowned National Geographic website!

Take a look at the Editor's Choices here:


Ruby featured in Zuzana's series entitled "Freckles". Since then the series has been picked up in Vogue Italia and National Geographic among other names. 

Well done Ruby, I hope you are enjoying every moment of the exposure!

Strike a pose with Ruby Caballero

Thats right, strike a pose because Ruby Caballero is in Vogue Italia

Ruby is one of RD Castings exciting young talents and looks as extraordinary as she is in life in these stunning Vogue pictures. 


Check out the rest of this amazing Vogue collection here:

Well done Ruby, you're looking sensational! Keep up the amazing work. 

Inês Marcelo Curto appears in award winning film!

RD is proud to have learnt that the short film Burn has recently become award winning. RD is particularly excited as it features its very own talent, Inês Marcelo Curto!


Burn was received incredibly well at the LA festival, Shriekfest 2017. Not only did people enjoy the film when it was screened, it went on to win Best Horror Short Film! How cool is that!

Interested? Well, here is the trailer for Burn if you are curious:

Want to learn more? Well you can here:

From all of us here at RD Casting, well done Inês, enjoy the moment, its well deserved! 

Behind the scenes with Melvin LeBlanc

RD Casting was privileged to get a glimpse behind the scenes of The Desert River during Melvin LeBlanc's time on set. Take a peek with us:


It's looking great and on set was so much fun! Keep up the great work Melvin. 

Help support Lois Temel and Melvin LeBlanc in The Desert River here:

Michael Dahl Rasmussen gets ready to deliver a close shave


Michael Dahl Rasmussen of RD Casting is getting himself ready to star in a chilling rendition of Sweeney Todd

If you are in London at the end of November or beginning of December, why not take the opportunity to see him perform live as Sweeney Todd in City Academy Studio Company's production of Sondheim's classic. Michael will be performing at the Ditch in Shoreditch.

Interested, why not book yourself in for a shave with Michael here:

Louise Thomas - What have you been up to?

Louise Thomas joined RD Casting this year and has been astounding casting directors with her singing and acting talent since.

So what exactly has Louise been up to? Well, we would love to tell you all the juicy details but Louise has been getting involved with things so big, we simply aren't allowed to tell you just yet. Don't worry, we will as soon as the confidentiality agreements let us!

Why not have a listen to Louise's singing talent here, we can showcase that!

Louise, we know you have some big things coming up. All we will say is 'break a leg'. Proud of you girl!

Melvin LeBlanc joins the cast for The Desert River


Melvin LeBlanc is rigorously preparing himself this week for the filming of his scenes in the anticipated feature film The Desert River

The Desert River is a film by November5Films who received critical acclaim for their previous film, 'Genes of Our Fathers' and building off this strength set about to create this fund raising film. 

Melvin is very excited to have landed the role within the film and has already received huge positive feedback about how well he auditioned! Well done Melvin, break a leg and do us proud!

Want to help the film, visit its funding page here:

Follow the yellow brick road with Oliver Scott


Coming this Christmas, Oliver Scott of RD Casting will be directing a Panto at the Grange Theatre in Northwich, Cheshire.

So get ready to follow the yellow brick road and find out what it takes to get a heart, courage and a brain with Oliver's rendition of the ‘The Wizard of Oz’ for KD Theatre Productions

Find out more at

Ruth Lockwood will be performing in the Lunchtime Recitals

If you happen to be in Rotherham on the 20th October and near the cafe at Riverside House, Main St between 12:30pm and 1:15pm then you should definitely take the time to go and see Ruth Lockwood belting out some of her repertoire. 

Ruth is a well established singer and has performed in many different venues including the Diamond Lounge. Take a look at her performing here:

untitled shoot-1207-2.jpg

So go and grab a coffee and enjoy the great vocals of Ruth Lockwood. I promise you won't regret it. 

Knock em dead Ruth, we know you will!

Nows your chance to see MeMe Detroit on Tour!

Want to watch the incredible MeMe Detroit in action? Well now you can! MeMe Detroit is on tour and here are the dates:


Friday 22nd Sept - Greater Manchester

Friday 6th Oct - Birmingham O2 Academy 3
Monday 9th Oct - radio interview and session on Made in Brum - Switch radio
Sunday 22nd Oct - Sheffield - Radio interview/session in afternoon and show in the evening at West street live.

Wednesday 8th Nov - live streamed session - Pirate live studios - London (very limited guest audience)
Friday 10th Nov - Finsbury, London with Gigslutz/Get in her ears radio. (New single release day)
Saturday 25th Nov - The Empire, Coventry (supporting Bad touch and Mollie Marriott, Steve Marriot from the Faces' daughter)

Unsure? Catch a glimpse below of MeMe Detroit performing at Silverstone:

Lois Temel performs in NYC!

RD Casting's Lois Temel is getting herself ready for her international performance in NYC. Yes that's right NYC!!


As she starts her performances in Beerey, the show itself is starting to receive its first rave reviews as can be seen on this poster for their NYC showings at The Pit Theatre on October 11th and October 12th.


Its got to feel pretty exciting entering into NYC with reviews like that! 

In the area on October 11th and 12th? Why not book yourself a ticket and witness some of the amazing talent that RD Casting is blessed with:

Enjoy every second of it Lois, you deserve it!  

RD Casting's International Talent - Pia Ternstrom


Pia Ternstrom is welcomed as one of RD Casting's sensational International artists. Spotted by head of RD Casting, Michael Moor, on his trip to Sweden last year, Pia has a great international career already on the go. 

International success has come to Pia in many forms as you can see below.

Pia appeared in Rikard Bergqvist's Swedish version of Hair which brought together talented young musicians, street artists and a rock band. The entire ensemble sings and dances its way through fifty musical numbers and snappy dialogue in an environment filled with exciting visual effects. Watch a quick clip below:

Further to this, Pia has also recorded a couple of songs with Duo2Much

And here you can see her performing the song Fine from the play Ordinary Days:

It's fair to say that Pia has a raft of talent within her and is looking forward to an exciting international career with RD Casting.

Glad to have you on board with RD Casting Pia. We can't wait to see what comes next!